Thursday, April 12, 2012

 Things are going coming nicely. Tempting Fate is now up on Amazon and Createspace as well as Smashwords. I am still 'awaiting review' to get on Barns & Noble as well as the Apple eBook store. The paperback can be purchased through both Amazon and Createspace. I am currently trying to network and get Tempting Fate out to more readers. As part of that, soon I will be sending it out to get some reviews from book review bloggers. If you know of a good one, please let me know! Blogging is new to me and so I am still working the page to get it perfect. I have gotten a chance to start working on my next novel, The 72nd November. Thank you to my fans and readers!

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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy Release Day! The time has come for Tempting Fate to meet the world... Here it is...

I will be posting when it is up on more sites and in paperback!
